Saturday, 23 November 2013


I have known adversity; I have felt worthless, a loser, a complete failure. I had hit rock bottom and have dwelt there for a while. Yet, I found the straw to hold on to; the light at the end of the tunnel; my inner strength. I lifted myself up, I resurfaced, and I shine. I continue to grow, to expand myself. This is the road that will lead me to becoming the best possible version of myself. I live bliss.

And, I want that for you; for every single being on this planet. I want you to be inspired you; to exude positive energy; to go beyond what you thought was possible.


Poznajem nesreću; osećala sam se bezvrednom; gubitnikom; potpunim promašajem. Dotakla sam samo dno i obitovala tamo neko vreme. Ipak, pronašla sam slamku za koju sam se uhvatila; svetlo na kraju tunela; moju unutrašnju snagu. Izdigla sam se, isplivala sam, i sijam. I dalje rastem, proširujem se. Ovo je put koji me vodi ka najboljoj mogućoj verziji sebe. Živim blagostanje.

I, sve ovo želim za vas; za svako biće na ovoj planeti. Želim da i vi budete inspirisani; da odašiljete pozitivnu energiju; da dostignete ono što ste mislili da je van vaših mogućnosti.

S ljubavlju,

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